2025 Mentorships
Winter Online Prophetic Mentorship
January 8-29, 2025
Sign up for our winter online prophetic mentorship, as Jeremiah Johnson leads a cohort virtually every Wednesday at 9pm ET. Registration is required.
In-Person Spring Prophetic Mentorship
March 21-23, 2025

Online Summer Apostolic Mentorship
May 21 - June 11, 2025

In-Person Fall Apostolic Mentorship
October 3-5, 2025
Church Planting & Pioneering
Upon graduating from Southeastern University, the Johnsons planted Heart of the Father Ministry in Lakeland, FL in 2010 and successfully pioneered there for a decade. As the church family multiplied and a second campus was birthed, Jeremiah and Morgan passed the leadership off to a tremendous team of elders who now lead both campuses.
After transitioning out of their role in Florida in 2020, the Johnsons were divinely called to North Carolina through an invitation from God to birth and establish The Altar Global. - an apostolic hub based out of Kannapolis, NC.
In 2022, God called the Johnsons to plant The Ark Fellowship, which serves as a local church community for many individuals, marriages, and families in the Charlotte, NC region.

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Books & Television
A best-selling author of multiple books and a globally recognized prophet, Jeremiah has ministered in 42 states and 25 foreign nations. He is also a popular television guest on The 700 Club, Daystar, TBN, Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural!, The Jim Bakker Show, and GodTV.